
Monday, 15 March 2010

Baby, I'm yours

Breakfast at the lovely Fleet River Bakery.

Followed by more coffee at Monmouth. What is everyone looking at, you wonder.

Ah ha! Protestors! Apparently Ahava is evil and no one should shop there. On a street with way too many interesting shops/cafes/smutty lingerie boutiques, I never really looked twice at Ahava anyway. 

Moi, une poseure? Jamais...

Spot of record shopping at the ever wonderful (££££) Phonica.

Have I mentioned my crane obsession? No? Probably for good reason.

Checked out the Jitish Kallat and Chiharu Shiota shows at Haunch of Venison. Saw a couple of things I liked, but overall was a bit disappointed.




Post-art cinnamon rolls and (more) coffee at The Nordic Bakery. It should be obvious by now that much of my weekend revolves around eating and drinking good coffee. I stopped at Flat White earlier too (post-Phonica pick-me-up).

Darwin Deez gig in the Westminster Reference Library. First ever gig in a library. It was brilliant good fun. I wish more gigs were like this - more about having fun and playing good music and dancing - less about posturing and looking too cool to not have any fun.

How can you not love a band that does choreographed dance breaks to the Bangles in between songs?

Gig over. Bye bye.

I've been too busy/lazy to write proper posts lately, but doing picture days is really quite fun anyway. I've always been about the writing so it's nice to force myself to document life in a different medium.

Lastly, in celebration of this sunshiny day of wonderfulness (I saw some daffodils this morning!!), my cheery mates over at We Are Not A Rockband have come up with a tune (Breakbot's Baby I'm Yours) that makes me want to start a disco-dance commune in Hyde Park, kick off my shoes, and dance in the grass all summer long. Bring on the festival season.

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